We are very excited to meet and greet our incoming 6th graders on orientation day, September 7, 2022 at 10:00 am. At this time 6th graders along with their families will tour the 6th grade classes and meet their teachers.
The first day of school for all grades is September 8, 2022. Breakfast is available in the cafeteria at 8:00 am. Students are expected to be in school at 8:15 am. 6th grade students will be escorted into the auditorium. 7th and 8th grade students will meet in the school yard. Don't worry if you do not know your class because we will have staff walking around and assisting students.
The first day of school is a full school day. Students will be dismissed at 2:35 pm. Yellow bus students will be placed on busses at 2:20pm.
Metro cards will be provided to eligible 7th & 8th graders as soon as we receive them from the DOE.
Please read our Family & Student Handbook for more detailed information about our school.
Points of Contact- Main Office (718) 743-0220 x 1081 or 1082
Teri Ahearn, Principal; Extension- 1061 tahearn@schools.nyc.gov
Christine DeVito, Assistant Principal; Extension-3130 cdevito3@schools.nyc.gov
Theresa Turchiano, Assistant Principal; Extension – 2045 tmorgan2@schools.nyc.gov
Tina Maffeo, Parent Coordinator; Extension- 3041 tmaffeo@schools.nyc.gov
Nicole Cali, 6th grade guidance counselor; extension -1305
Eliot Wilson, 7th grade guidance counselor; extension -2021
Jennifer Serio, 8th grade guidance counselor/High School advisor, Extension- 3190
Dean's Office; Extension- 2283